“Free Video Below on How to Release Your Hip Flexors”

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Before You Leave Find Out How to Permanently Fix this Hidden Survival Muscle…

fit woman

Imagine achieving peak performance, rapidly drop body fat, enjoy sexual health and gain strength quickly.

Knowing you have tight hip flexors is one thing.

Knowing how to fix your hip flexors is another challenge altogether.

That’s because you need to attack the muscle from a variety of angles using a variety of exercise techniques and modalities in order to “unpack” the muscle in the right way.

What Others Are Saying About the Unlock Program...

I was excited to here about Rick Kaselj’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and have read the manual and watched the videos. I was very impressed with the content. I implemented the concepts and program into my practice with my clients.

Rick has developed a comprehensive system to unlock your hips and restore movement the way it should be. Everyone could benefit from Unlock Your Hip Flexors. The two most important things to live a long healthy live is good quality whole food and great movement and which requires great hip mobility. I cannot recommend this program enough.”

The Hague Area, Netherlands

Being an athlete all my life and having endured multiple knee surgeries due to blowing out ACL’s in both knees, I later started to develop a hip issue in my right hip due to the years of wear and tear. 

When I started to apply the strategies from Unlock Your Hip Flexors it helped me re-balance my pelvis and hip joint to where I couldn’t even tell I had an issue anymore.

These days I’m stronger and faster than ever and still competing in sports.

Frank Daniels, CPT
Fitness+Performance Specialist

Unlock Your hip Flexors Special Deal